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Are you ready to be your own judge? Just fill out the form, and we’ll call you within 24 hours to talk through the order and complete your purchase.
MSRP Sale price
Standard 2 Hopper Grain Trailer $7,150 $4,995
Single Hopper Pup Trailer $5,500 $3,800
2 Hopper Pup Trailer $7,150 $4,995
4 Hopper Super B (Takes 2 kits) $14,300 $8,990
3 Hopper Single Trailer $10,450 $7,300
Extra Moisture Sensor $550 $500
1 Standard Kit
(one kit includes components for one two-hopper trailer):
6 - Proximity Sensors
1 - Moisture Sensor
1 - Quick-Attach Plug
1 - WiFi Box
Additional base kit contents: Cable, double-side tape, zip ties, cable tie mounts
Load Judge ICON Decal:
1 Standard Kit (one kit includes components for one two-hopper trailer) : 6- Proximity Sensors, 1 - Moisture Sensor, 1 - Quick-Attach Plug, 1 - WiFi Box (Additional base kit contents: Cable, double-side tape, zip ties, cable tie mounts)